Meetings, Activities and Calendars

ARF holds up to four General Membership meetings each year: late March to early April; late June to early July; late September to early October; and mid-November to mid- December. Each meeting is complete with an agenda, a program of interest to ARF members, and an accompanying Executive Committee meeting.

The November/December meeting is always an Awards/Christmas Banquet, with Spouses invited. It is a luncheon hosted by the MSU President. The MSU President usually gives an Overview of current MSU Activities, such as building projects, new programs, or issues. Annual dues (currently $25) are due in this meeting. It is always well attended!

Currently, there are 4-5 student awards presented (see Student Awards Presented by ARF, above). These awards are given to the most outstanding students in specific academic areas associated with each award. The first 4 awards honor the memory of former ARF members who made particularly significant contributions to MSU; the (fifth) ARF Exemplary Service award usually honors a current ARF member. Each Student Award is given to a student in the honored ARF members’ department. Awardees are selected by members of the same departments.

 ARF speakers include senior MSU officials or others of great interest to our group. Since ARF was formed in 1986, all MSU Presidents have spoken at ARF meetings, as well as many Vice Presidents, Deans and others of great talent and character. We usually ask the MSU President to present current MSU activities annually. In all but 2 of the last 11 years (2024) President Keenum has spoken in at least one ARF meeting. In addition to MSU items of interest, we have held meetings on Retirement Benefits (PERS), Experimental Aircraft, Drones, Horticulture, MSU History, Health issues such as Medical Insurance and Physical Fitness, Elder Hostel, Road Scholars and a plethora of others.

Meeting venues are usually chosen by the type of meeting. We usually meet on campus. Occasionally, meetings are held off campus. When that happens, car-pooling is available. We usually hold meetings in a building that is inexpensive (to help keep dues low!). Provisions for parking are usually made for those who no longer have MSU decals. Our “old faithful” is Bost Extension Center for regular meetings and for our Banquet.

Each year, ARF does special projects to support our community. For several years now, we have supported The Salvation Army by donating both our time and our money. We also support Habitat for Humanity.


ARF General Calendar of Events

Late Winter-Early Spring General Membership Meeting


Executive Committee Meeting: Nominating committee selected; ARF President appoints Audit committee. Vice President is responsible for program.

Spring-Summer General Membership Meeting


  • June-July General Membership meeting: Election of new officers and directors; Publicity, Membership, Awards, and Website Committees are appointed by ARF President.

Fall General Membership Meeting


  • Executive Committee meeting/Fall General Membership Meeting.
  • Begin preparations for Christmas banquet. ARF VP should reserve banquet room, and plan menu, entertainment, etc. for our Christmas banquet. VP is also responsible for the Fall program.

Christmas Program


  • ARF hosts a Christmas program with spouses and special guests invited. President Keenum has been our host and speaker for 11 years. We usually honor those who became lifetime members and deceased members during the past year. Four or five outstanding MSU students in departments from which previous ARF members of distinction came are each selected by their department and honored with (currently) $500 awards.


Last updated on:  12/16/2024                  Webmaster: Wallace E Killcreas