Officers and Directors

To see overflowing data in the table please scroll right.

Fiscal Year President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Publicity/Historian
2024-2025 Wanda Thorne Marty Wiseman Joe Ray Underwood Wallace Killcreas Bill Herndon Ned Browning
2023-2024 Bill Herndon Wanda Thorne Joe Ray Underwood Wallace Killcreas Albert Allen Ned Browning
2022-2023 Albert Allen/Bill Herndon Bill Herndon Joe Ray Underwood Wallace Killcreas Gloria Reeves Ned Browning
2021-2022 Albert Allen Bill Herndon Joe Ray Underwood Wallace Killcreas Gloria Reeves  
2020-2021   INACTIVE DUE TO PANDEMIC Joe Street    
2019-2020 Gloria Reeves Albert Allen   Joe Street Marty Wiseman  
2018-2019 Marty Wiseman Gloria Reeves Margo Swain Joe Street Roy Ruby Joe Farris
2017-2018 Roy Ruby Marty Wiseman Margo Swain Joe Street Lawrence Croft Joe Farris
2016-2017 Lawrence Croft Roy Ruby Margo Swain Walter Taylor Nancy Hargrove Wanda Thorne
2015-2016 Nancy Hargrove Lawrence Croft Margo Swain Walter Taylor John Fuquay  Wanda Thorne
2014-2015 John Fuquay  Nancy Hargrove Margo Swain Edward J. Clynch Lynn Reinschmeidt Wanda Thorne
2013-2014 Lynn Reinschmeidt John Fuquay  Margo Swain Edward J. Clynch Joe Ray Underwood
2012-2013 Joe Ray Underwood Lynn Reinschmeidt Margo Swain Edward J. Clynch Douglas Feig  
2011-2012 Douglas Feig Joe Ray Underwood Margo Swain Wallace Morgan Joe Brown  
2010-2011 Joe Brown Douglas Feig Margo Swain Wallace Morgan Wallace Killcreas Historians….
2009-2010 Wallace Killcreas Joe Brown Margo Swain Wallace Morgan Ed Clynch Henry Tipton
2008-2009 Ed Clynch Wallace Killcreas Margo Swain Wallace Morgan Warren Housley Henry Tipton
2007-2008 Warren Housley Ed Clynch Margo Swain Wallace Killcreas Charles Sparrow Henry Tipton
2006-2007 Charles Sparrow Warren Housley Margo Swain Wallace Killcreas Rodney Foil Henry Tipton
2005-2006 Rodney Foil Charles Sparrow Margo Swain Wallace Killcreas Natalie Maynor Henry Tipton
2004-2005 Natalie Maynor Rodney Foil Margo Swain Dora Herring Armando De la Cruz Henry Tipton
2003-2004 Armando De la Cruz Natalie Maynor Margo Swain Dora Herring Lawrence Croft Henry Tipton
2002-2003 Lawrence Croft Armando De la Cruz Margo Swain Dora Herring Sam Dudley Henry Tipton
2001-2002 Sam Dudley Lawrence Croft Margo Swain Dora Herring Chester McKee Henry Tipton
2000-2001 Chester McKee Sam Dudley Margo Swain Dora Herring Joe Cardwell Henry Nash
1999-2000 Joe Cardwell Chester McKee Margo Swain Troy Daniel Bill Parrish Henry Nash
1998-1999 Bill Parrish Joe Cardwell Margo Swain Troy Daniel Dora Herring Henry Nash
1997-1998 Dora Herring Bill Parrish Margo Swain Troy Daniel Clinton Graves Henry Nash
1996-1997 Clinton Graves Dora Herring Margo Swain Troy Daniel Charles Moore Katherine Stooksbury
1995-1996 Charles Moore Clinton Graves Charles Sappington Troy Daniel Joe Stockwell Katherine Stooksbury
1994-1995 Joe Stockwell Jean Snyder Charles Sappington Troy Daniel Marion Loftin Katherine Stooksbury
1993-1994 Marion Loftin Joe Stockwell Jean Snyder Charles Moore Donald Emerich Alice Burgoyne
1992-1993 Donald Emerich Marion Loftin Ellen Bryant Charles Moore Paul Jacob Alice Burgoyne
1991-1992 Chuck Lindley and Paul Jacob Paul Jacob Ellen Bryant Charles Moore William Giles Alice Burgoyne
1990-1991 William Giles Dean Bunch Ellen Bryant Charles Moore Arlie Wilson Alice Burgoyne
1989-1990 Arlie Wilson Lyle Nelson Donald Emerich Charles Moore Charles Aiken Alice Burgoyne
1988-1989 Charles Aiken Jean Snyder Donald Emerich Charles Moore Robert Wolverton Alice Burgoyne
1987-1988 Robert Wolverton Charley Scott Charles Aiken Al Peyman Margaret Estes  
1986-1987 Peyton Williams and Margaret Estes Margaret Estes Joe Khatena Charles Aiken    
Fiscal Year     Board of Directors    
2024-2025 Roy Ruby '25 Julia Hodges '26 Joe Street '27 Ed Clynch '28 Linda Morse '29  
2023-2024 Elton Moore '24 Roy Ruby '25 Julia Hodges '26 Joe Street '27 Ed Clynch '28  
2022-2023 Joe Farris '23 Elton Moore '24 Roy Ruby '25 Julia Hodges '26 Joe Street '27  
2021-2022 Vernon Ammon '22 Joe Farris '23 Elton Moore '24 Roy Ruby '25 Julia Hodges '26  
2020-2021 Jimmy Abraham '21 Elton Moore '24 Roy Ruby '25 Julia Hodges '26    
2019-2020 Elton Moore '20 Jimmy Abraham '21 Vernon Ammon '22 Joe Farris '23    
2018-2019 Albert Allen '19 Elton Moore '20 Jimmy Abraham '21 Vernon Ammon '22 Joe Farris '23  
2017-2018 Elizabeth Hawkins '18 Albert Allen '19 Gloria Reeves '20 Jimmy Abraham '21 Vernon Ammon '22
2016-2017 Mike Thorne '17 Elizabeth Hawkins '18 Albert Allen '19 Gloria Reeves '20 Jimmy Abraham '21
2015-2016 Joe Brown '16 Mike Thorne '17 Elizabeth Hawkins '18 Albert Allen '19 Gloria Reeves '20
2014-2015 Gayle Hodge ‘15 Werner Essig '16 Mike Thorne '17 Elizabeth Hawkins '18 Albert Allen '19  
2013-2014 Vance Watson ‘14 Gayle Hodge ‘15 Werner Essig '16 Mike Thorne '17 Susan Bridges '18
2012-2013 Henry Pitre ‘13 Vance Watson ‘14 Gayle Hodge ‘15 Werner Essig '16 Mike Thorne '17  
2011-2012 Lew Brown ‘12 Henry Pitre ‘13 Vance Watson ‘14 Gayle Hodge ‘15 Werner Essig '16  
2010-2011 John Fuquay '11 Lew Brown '12 Henry Pitre '13 Vance Watson '14 Gayle Hodge ‘15  
2009-2010 Doss Brodnax '10 John Fuquay '11 Lew Brown '12 Henry Pitre '13 Vance Watson '14
2008-2009 Chester McKee '09 Doss Brodnax '10 John Fuquay '11 Lew Brown '12 Henry Pitre '13  
2007-2008 Catherine Boyd '08 Chester McKee '09 Doss Brodnax '10 John Fuquay '11 Lew Brown '12  
2006-2007 Warren Housley '07 Catherine Boyd '08 Chester McKee '09 Doss Brodnax '10 John Fuquay '11  
2005-2006 Hunter Andrews '06 Warren Housley '07 Catherine Boyd '08 Chester McKee '09 Doss Brodnax '10  
2004-2005 Marvin Bond '05 Hunter Andrews '06 Warren Housley '07 Ann Wiltrout '08 Chester McKee '09
2003-2004 Charles Moore '04 Marvin Bond '05 Hunter Andrews '06 Gifford Bull '07 Ann Wiltrout '08  
2002-2003 Clinton Graves '03 Charles Moore '04 Lawrence Croft '05 Hunter Andrews '06 Gifford Bull '07  
2001-2002 Leonard McCullough '02 Clinton Graves '03 Charles Moore '04 Lawrence Croft '05 Hunter Andrews '06
2000-2001 David Young '01 Leanord McCullough '02  Clinton Graves '03 Charles Moore '04 Lawrence Croft '05
1999-2000 Lamar Moody '00 David Young '01 Leanord McCullough '02  W. L. McDaniel '03 Charles Moore '04
1998-1999 Bobby Thomson '99 Lamar Moody '00 David Young '01 Leanord McCullough '02  W. L. McDaniel '03
1997-1998 James Wilson '98 Bobby Thomson '99 Lamar Moody '00 David Young '01 Leanord McCullough '02 
1996-1997 Pepper Holland '97 James Wilson '98 Bobby Thomson '99 Lamar Moody '00 David Young '01  
1995-1996 Moselle Walton '96 Pepper Holland '97 Clinton Graves '98 Bobby Thomson '99 Lamar Moody '00  
1994-1995 Charlie Thomas '95 Moselle Walton '96 Pepper Holland '97 Clinton Graves '98 Bobby Thomson '99
1993-1994 R. S. Wofford '94 Charlie Thomas '95 Moselle Walton '96 Pepper Holland '97 Clinton Graves '98
1992-1993 Jim Moak '93 R. S. Wofford '94 Charlie Thomas '95 Moselle Walton '96 Pepper Holland '97
1991-1992 Joe Khatena '92 Jim Moak '93 R. S. Wofford '94 Charlie Thomas '95 Moselle Walton '96
1990-1991 Joe Cardwell '91 Joe Khatena '92 Jim Moak '93 R. S. Wofford '94 Charlie Thomas '95
1989-1990 Lyle Behr '90 Joe Cardwell '91 Joe Khatena '92 Jim Moak '93 R. S. Wofford '94  
1988-1989 Troy Laswell '89 Lyle Behr '90 Joe Cardwell '91 Joe Khatena '92 Jim Moak '93  
1987-1988 Ed Roberts '88 Troy Laswell '89 Lyle Behr '90 Joe Cardwell '91 Joe Khatena '92  
1986-1987 William Giles '87 Ed Roberts '88 Troy Laswell '89 Lyle Behr '90 Robert Wolverton '91
    Last Updated on: 12/16/2024 Webmaster: Wallace E Killcreas