Overview of ARF Website
By Wallace E. Killcreas, ARF Webmaster, 2002-2004 and 2011-2025
The MSU Association of Retired Faculty (ARF) is most grateful to the MSU Library for including ARF on their website page for more than 20 years. Although the ARF webmaster was responsible for the content of information placed in the ARF portion of the MSU Library website, Library Personnel managed ARF data on the Web. Steve Cunetto was involved all 20 years. Julie Shedd managed the uploads most of that time. To Steve and Julie, I offer heartfelt thanks.
Just before ARF was reorganized (and re-energized!) in October of 2022, Dr Pankl, Dean of MSU Libraries negotiated with MSU Human Resources Management for the ARF Website to be moved to Human Resources’ servers. HRM has assimilated ARF Info on the HRM web page, and I am continuing to update the content. I am grateful that HRM agreed to include ARF on their servers, and I look forward to working with them for many years. The ARF website is now operational with HRM. The new link to ARF is:
The ARF “website” includes info from each current member (currently 126 retired-faculty-members-strong), including telephone numbers, retirement titles and email addresses. (You may even use this website as an “emailer” and “phone book” for ARF members). Each ARF menu item contains an ARF emblem, links to the MSU Home, and links to the ARF Home. Each menu item/page contains a “last Date Dues Paid” entry (Not viewable online!) and an e-mail link to the ARF webmaster. Other ARF website info includes details on joining ARF; ARF Officers, Boards, and Committees since ARF inception; an overview of ARF activities; duties of ARF officers and committees; all names of student awardees since ARF began; the ARF constitution, ARF members’ military service; and links to other websites of interest to MSU retirees. The website works very well on Cells (especially IPhones) and Laptops (See Link Above)
ARF was organized on July 24, 1986, with 73 charter members. One of the founders, and the first president was Peyton Ward Williams, Jr., Professor Emeritus of English with 37 years of service at MSU. Another founder was Robert E. Wolverton, Sr., Vice President for Academic Affairs at MSU and director of the first ARF executive board (Retired in 2021, after 70 years at MSU! Died in 2024). Other members of the first executive board were: Margaret Estes, vice president; Joe Khatena, secretary; Chuck Aiken, treasurer; and directors William L. Giles (MSU President Emeritus), Edward G. Roberts, Troy Laswell, and Lyell Behr. All former Executive Board Members of ARF are listed (See “Officers and Directors”) on this website.
Membership in ARF increased from 73 charter members in 1986 to 140 members in 1996. In 2003 the membership had dwindled to 95. By 2011, membership was steady at 130. In 2020 membership was 132. We suffered a Pandemic called Coronavirus in 2020, which extended through 2021, and is still going (2022). Each year, Written invitations to join ARF are extended to all retirees who are eligible. If you are interested in joining ARF, see ARF menu item one.
In March of 2020, a terrible Pandemic called The Coronavirus crippled the entire world. ARF has done some activities online, but we cancelled full membership meetings and our traditional banquets in both 2020 and 2021. ARF did, however, manage to provide 4 awards of $500 each to bright and deserving MSU students in both 2020 and 2021! After becoming active again in 2022, ARF continues to socialize as before as well as support deserving MSU Students.
ARF has presented programs of interest to retired MSU faculty and professionals such as PERS, Social Security, and even medical issues. In late June of each year, an MSU overview program/luncheon was traditionally held by the MSU President. On October 13, 2022, ARF held a reorganization Executive Board meeting. MSU President Mark Keenum honored ARF members and spouses, and other retirees with an Awards/Christmas Banquet in Decembers of 2022, 2023, and 2024. At each ARF Awards banquet, ARF currently gives $500 awards to four or five deserving MSU students (awardees are chosen by their departments). Retirees, Join ARF today!
The following mini-paragraphs Summarize info for each ARF Menu Item:
Menu item zero (Home) gives the background for the MSU Association of Retired Faculty (ARF), and explains each menu item in the site.
Menu item one (How do I Join ARF) explains to prospective members what the qualifications are for ARF membership, and defines dues and contact information needed to become an ARF member.
Menu item two (Officers and Directors) lists Officers and Boards of Directors for ARF since ARF was organized in 1986.
The third (Committees) menu item gives the composition of all ARF Committees since 2003.
The fourth (Historical Overview) menu item gives a very brief Historical perspective of ARF.
Menu item five (Meetings, Activities, and Calendar) gives a general overview and flavor of what usually goes on in ARF. It explains typical activities done in Executive Committee, General Membership, and Banquet meetings. This item can be especially helpful to new ARF officers, board members, committee members, and to prospective ARF members.
The sixth (Duties of Officers and Committees) menu item explains the duties and responsibilities of ARF officers and committees and gives suggestions and insights that will certainly aid new ARF officers and committees in the way that they manage the offices to which they have been assigned. It focuses on what is expected of ARF Presidents and Vice-Presidents, as well as Secretaries and Treasurers. All new ARF officers and committee members should read this.
Menu item seven (Student Awards) explains the origins of all five ARF monetary awards (currently $500 each) to outstanding students, from the inception of the awards to date. Awards: Peyton Williams award for Excellence in English, 1989, Charles Lindley award for Excellence in Agriculture, 1992, William L. Giles award for Excellence in Architecture, 1997, Harry Simrall award for Excellence in Engineering, 1999, and Exemplary Service award for Excellence in varied MSU Disciplines, 2007. Many outstanding MSU students have received ARF awards, and they are listed since award inception.
Menu item eight (Bylaws) explains the bylaws (or constitution) under which ARF operates. These are largely operational rules and guidelines under which the organization operates. This document has been changed very little since ARF was founded. Changes are necessary from time-to-time. The last official update was made in 2006.
The ARF Membership file (Current ARF Members Info) is the driving force in Menu item nine. It lists Names of all current ARF members (2022) who wished to be included in the ARF website, along with their Last MSU Title (before retirement), Telephone Number, and E-mail address.
Menu item A (ARF Veterans) discusses military service performed by ARF members. There are many interesting accounts of service, particularly from World War II.
Menu item B (Additional Links) provides a list of Links to Websites of local interest to MSU Retirees. The list includes a link to the Oktibbeha County Library website, a link to the Noxubee Wildlife Refuge website, a link to the Oktibbeha County Heritage Museum website, and a link to the MRPEA website.
Last Updated 12/16/2024 Webmaster: Wallace E Killcreas