A career ladder is a process designed to formally progress an employee into a higher-level within the same position title. A career ladder may consist of multiple levels and salary grades, depending on the complexity and scope of the position.
Career ladders are designed to provide advancement opportunities within the University. There are numerous benefits for both the employee and the department to engage in the career ladder process.
- Develop new skills and competencies in their current job.
- Demonstrate initiative and willingness to work to further the department and University goals.
- Retain valued employees who are motivated to advance in their careers.
- Attract high quality employees with the opportunity to advance in their positions.
- Can develop well-trained employees and increase morale.
Career Ladder Frequently Asked Questions
How do I establish a career ladder?
A request to establish a career ladder for a staff position shall be initiated by the division, unit, or department head in consultation with Human Resources Management. Not all MSU positions are eligible for career ladders. Departments should contact HRM to ensure position eligibility.
- The department head shall submit a written proposal to HRM outlining the rationale and objectives of the proposed career ladder. The information that will be considered includes:
- Current and proposed job titles and salary grades for each level.
- Current and projected number of employees in each level.
- Minimum qualifications, essential functions, and performance expectations for each level.
- Criteria and process for advancing from one level to another within the career ladder.
- HRM shall review the proposal and conduct an evaluation of the proposed career ladder.
- After this review, HRM shall determine if the proposed career ladder is appropriate and feasible, and shall make a recommendation.
- If the career ladder is approved, HRM shall communicate the approval to the department head and provide guidance on implementing and administering the career ladder.
Eligibility for Initial Placement into a Career Ladder
An employee must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a regular full- or part-time staff member and meet the minimum requirements of the level of the classification.
- Must have received successful overall ratings on the most recent performance evaluation(s).
- Must not be under a performance improvement plan or disciplinary action.
Implementation of a Career Ladder
- Departments should consult with HRM to determine the appropriate level of classification.
- Employees must meet the minimum requirements of the level of their classification.
- Salary increases are not expected for implementation. Increases are discretionary and must be funded with departmental funds that are permanent.
Advancement in a Career Ladder
- The department head shall inform the employees who are eligible for the career ladder of the criteria and process for advancement, and shall provide them with feedback and support on the career ladder.
- The supervisor shall monitor the employee's progress and performance and shall initiate the advancement process:
- Employee must meet the criteria for moving to the next level of the career ladder
- There must be availability of permanent funding provided by the department for proposed increase.
- The Career Ladder -- Promotion Request Form should be completed and be submitted for approval. These documents must be initiated and signed by the employee's supervisor through the employee's chain of command. The final signature must be the highest level of authority in the chain of command (i.e., President, Provost & Executive Vice President, Vice President, Athletic Director, etc.)
- The salary of the employee who is advancing to the next level of the career ladder shall be proposed and approved in the same manner as new hires.